Welcome to the Toronto Cosmetic Surgery Institute Resources!

Fill and sign the applicable documents from SECTIONS 1, 2 AND 3 to be emailed to: [email protected].

Label the subject line: Signed Consents -**YOUR NAME**

(* Please write your full name as found on your health card).

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1. Consent Forms 📎

The following consents will apply to ALL patients:

EACH PATIENT must fill out one SURGICAL PROCEDURE consent form.

  1. Please choose "GENERAL" if you will be asleep under general anesthesia


  1. Please choose "AWAKE" if you will be awake during the procedure with just local freezing anesthesia.

General/Local Consents

General consent which must be signed by all patients undergoing any surgery asleep. The document also includes pre- and post- surgical instructions and information for all patients in general.

General consent which must be signed by all patients undergoing any surgery asleep. The document also includes pre- and post- surgical instructions and information for all patients in general.

Consent which must be signed by all patients undergoing surgery awake. The document also includes pre- and post- surgical instructions and information for all patients in general.

Consent which must be signed by all patients undergoing surgery awake. The document also includes pre- and post- surgical instructions and information for all patients in general.

Procedure Specific Consents


Consent for patients undergoing face and/or neck lift under local anesthetic (not asleep).

Consent for patients undergoing face and/or neck lift under local anesthetic (not asleep).

Consent for patients undergoing face and / or neck lift under general anesthesia (asleep).

Consent for patients undergoing face and / or neck lift under general anesthesia (asleep).